Ageism, genderism and other sorts of discrimination

 A couple of days before my birthday and christmas 2022 I received this as an email.

Not exactly what I had wished for as birthdaypresent. So I decided to continue on this page in english instead. 

"Styrelsen för Svenska folkskolans vänner har 15.12.2022 behandlat din ansökan nr 22835 för ändamålet: "Skapa mer intresse för svenska språket, för alla åldrar. Fotograferar bänkar, på Facebook, Twitter samt Instagram #tankebankar hittar man fotografierna och länk till Svenska folkskolans vänner. De lär sig svenska, online eller genom att sätta sig på en bänk och prata svenska, utbyta tankar.".

Vi kunde tyvärr inte bevilja ett bidrag denna gång.


- Ändamålet har ingen eller svag koppling till SFV:s mål för sektorn.

Med vänlig hälsning,

Svenska folkskolans vänner"

Ageism usually refer to discrimination against seniors, maybe such that have passed their 50th birthday. Genderism is discrimination against people for being either female or male. So I learned during my year as an exchange student in Sheffield University, Great Britain. 

The message cited here above is the answer to an application for a small scholarship from an organisation in our capital Helsinki. They say they want to work for children in the region around Helsinki, for children or youth that want to learn swedish. But they also write they think my project has not enough to do do with theis overall aim as an organization. 

Sooo....I guess for me the path forward is to contine on this page by adding some more english words on this page from now and during next year. The Sea of Good Luck is another page where I prefer to write in english. I also continue with my french language writing. And also the italian  studies I think I will try more in 2023. No use grieving, crying or show grim faces either so today in snowfall we wait for better weather to travel south and keep a keen eye on mor fun spring activites for next term. 
